We hope you will consider becoming a member and join in our efforts!

Your membership will help us to maintain and build educational programming, advocate for environmental causes, and give more people the opportunity to explore paths toward a more sustainable lifestyle.

Anyone may join by choosing to support our mission in one of three ways:

  1. Contributing financially ($25 or more annually),
  2. Volunteering to participate in one or more of Sustainable Plymouth’s working groups or initiatives, and/or
  3. Participating in meetings and events.

Membership benefits include:

  • Email updates about Sustainable Plymouth meetings and local relevant events
  • Ability to vote at meetings and advocate for new community projects that you care about
  • Eligibility to run for board positions or lead a working group or initiative
  • Opportunity to work closely with residents who are passionate about incorporating sustainable practices into their everyday lives and those of our community
Click here to become a member today!